China moving toward 100% Renewable Energy

China moving toward 100% renewable energy

5 million chinese test living on 100% renewable energy According to Xinhua News Agency in China, approximately 5 million citizens in the northwest of the country survivied on 100% renewable energy for 1 week. This is a massive leap towards moving from fossil fuels to a more renewable resource. The region used approximately 1.1 Billion…

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Callis Yard Solar PV Design & Installation

Mass and height of Callis Yard, compared to Waterfront development

“Proposed 23.34kWp solar PV system comprising of three rooftop areas for student accommodation in central London and projected to provide significant reductions in electricity usage for the new, community development project” Callis Yard Solar PV Installation: In December 2013 a new scheme including a 20-storey tower was submitted by Metropolis Planning and Design on behalf of Inland…

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